Kensington, Minnesota, USA


8 goths [ swedes ] and 22 norwegians on
exploration journey from
Vinland to the west we
had camp by 2 skerries one
day's journey north from this stone
we were fishing one day after
we came home found 10 men red
with blood and death av[e] m[aria]
save us from evil
have 10 men by the sea to look
after our ships 14 days trip
from this island year 1362

This stone was found by Swedish-born farmer Olof Ohman on his land near Kensington, Minnesota in 1898. Ever since it has been hotly debated whether the stone is what it purports to be - a memorial from the year 1362. The established rune experts consider it to be a 19th century fake.
I share their opinion, and I believe it can be founded on circumstantial evidence:
A small group of Scandinavians find themselves as far from home as anyone has ever been. They have been attacked and many of them have been killed. They are far from their ships, which are being guarded by a group the size of the one that was just killed by indians. In that situation it is not conceivable that they would sit down and spend several days on producing a monument over their arduous journey.
You may also compare the inscription with the one on a yoke from Älvdalen in Sweden, the place where runes are known to have survived the longest. According to the inscription it was made in 1907, and it can be found via the link below. Its runes are identical to those on the Kensington stone, including the numerals. I believe the most likely relationship is that they stem from the same tradition and are both made aroud the turn of the century 1900.
The picture was taken during an exhibition at the Historical Museum in Stockholm, Sweden.

The runes above are set in my own typeface Runic Kensington CH, which can be downloaded below:





Photo © Christer Hamp 2003-11-02

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